Revit Mep Course Overview
Autodesk Revit MEP is the industry-standard tool designed for building information modeling or BIM. MEP expands as Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing, which are the major components of the BIM chain. By joining Dynamic Cad classroom training for Revit MEP, students get an opportunity to learn from our well experienced trainers; who gives a great emphasis on delivering quality training to each of its learners.
MEP project template in Revit is designed in such a way that it helps the learner to understand the working and uses of ducting, mechanical equipment, plumbing, electrical fixtures in a building. CAD DESK provides the best coaching classes to its students in the field of CAD, CAM & CAE. And, while taking the software training for Revit MEP, students are encouraged to do an Internship and also get an opportunity to go for industrial visits.
With Dynamic Cad, students are flooded with multiple benefits like 100 % Placement assistance and they get study materials, e-books, tutorials, and projects along with their student panel. They further get a transfer facility option, through which they can move to any of our CAD franchise centers in India; even if they are enrolled at Dynamic Cad Jaipur or at any other center. After finishing the software training, Dynamic Cad students get a Revit MEP certificate of course completion that helps them to escalate their careers.
Course Contents
- Introduction to BIM
- Revit MEP Basics
- Viewing the Model
- Creating an HVAC System,
- Adding Mechanical Equipment and Air Terminals
- Creating and Modifying Ductwork,
- Ducts and Duct Fittings
- Duct Accessories, An over View to Energy Analysis
- Creating Hydraulic Piping,
- Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
- Pipe Accessories
- Creating Plumbing Systems,
- Plumbing Pipes and Pipe Fittings,
- Assigning slope to the Drainage Pipes
- Creating Fire Protection Systems,
- Adding Sprinklers, Pipe and Pipe Fittings
- Adding Light Fixtures, Adding Devices,
- Modelling Cable Tray,
- Adding Cables and Electrical Equipment
- Introduction to Families,
- Basic Family Creation tools,
- Creation of families,
- Duct Pipe and Electrical connectors,
- Editing of Existing Families
- Adding Tags, Adding Dimensions,
- Symbols, and Text Creating Legends,
- Working with Schedules
- Work sets and Work sharing
- Printing and Publishing
How will you get your certificate?
Dynamic Cad is a pioneer in CAD/CAM/CAE training and most of the industries give great recognition to its certificate throughout India and abroad. Dynamic Cad Certificates are ISO verified which makes it highly reputed comparing to the other local brands and helps the student get prioritize while going for job opportunities in the industry. Dynamic Cad Software Training is conducted by highly knowledgeable trainers which help students to enhance their skill set by putting great emphasizes on project-based learning.
Call for Advice now : +91 79047 47793
How Our instructors are certified
CAD DESK is a pioneer in CAD/CAM/CAE training and most of the industries give great recognition to its certificate throughout India and abroad. CAD DESK Certificates are ISO verified which makes it highly reputed comparing to the other local brands and helps the student get prioritize while going for job opportunities in the industry. CAD DESK Software Training is conducted by highly knowledgeable trainers which help students to enhance their skill set by putting great emphasizes on project-based learning.

Revit MEP (70Hrs) 35Days
- Introduction of CAD DESK
- Introduction To This Course
- The MEP Interface
- The REVIT Interface
- Customizing The Interface
- Keyboard Shortcut
- Using The Included Working Files
- Working With Views
- File Concepts – Project Files And Templates
- File Concepts – Family Files And Templates
- File Concepts – System Families
- File Concepts – In-Place Families
- Opening A Revit MEP Project
- Viewing The Model – 2D
- Viewing The Model – 3D
- Systems Tab – HVAC And Mechanical
- Systems Tab – Plumbing And Piping
- Systems Tab – Electrical
- Selecting Elements
- Using Filter
- Use Of The TAB Key
- Moving And Copying
- Copy And Paste
- Rotating
- Mirror
- Linear Arrays
- Radial Arrays
- Extend And Trim
- The Align tool
- Offset
- Re-Hosting Element
- Groups – Model
- Groups – Detail
- Groups – Detail Using Components
- Starting An MEP Project
- Linking an Architects Revit File
- Copy – Monitor Levels And Grids
- Copy – Monitor MEP Fixtures
- Initial Plan Views
- Coordination Review
- Project Information
- Saving – Standalone
- Saving – Worksharing Enabled
- Linking CAD Files
- Linked CAD Files – Wireframe
- Approach
- Linked CAD Files – Elevations
- Linked CAD Files – Floor Plans
- Controlling Visibility
- Initial Plan Views
- View Duplication
- Elevations
- Sections
- Creating Callouts
- Ceiling Plans
- View Templates
- Matchlines
- Section Box
- Scope Box
- Basic Family Creation –
Template - Basic Family Creation – Planning
- Basic Family Creation –Modeling
- Basic Family Creation – Type
- Basic Family Creation – Connectors
- Basic Family Creation Tags
- Room Bounding objects
- Creating Spaces
- Space Separation Boundaries
- Modifying Spaces
- Space Tags
- Area And Volume
- Calculations
- Creating Zones
- Color Schemes
- The System Browser
- Graphic Overrides
- Checking Systems
- System Inspector
- Duct Sizing
- Starting with templates
- Preparing Mechanical Design
- Room Color fills
- Creating Zoning
- Adding HVAC Equipments
- Sizing Ductwork
Systems - Annotating the Mechanical System
Mechanical Piping System - Pipe Fittings
- Filters
- Adding Mechanical Equipment
- Adding Placeholder Pipes
- Adding Pipes
- Parallel Pipes
- Modifying Pipes
- Sloping Pipes
- Adding And Modifying Fittings
- Mechanical Systems – Hydronic
- Generating Pipe Layouts
- Electrical Settings
- Electrical Components – Lighting Fixtures
- Electrical Components – Electrical Equipment
- Electrical Components – Electrical Devices
- Creating Power Circuits
- Creating Lighting Circuits
- Creating Switch Systems
- Cable Tray
- Conduit
- Load checking equipments
- Annotating electrical
- views
- Schedules
- Creating Plumbing views
- Plumbing Setting
- Creating layout
- Creating Fixture, Pipe Schedules etc.
- Annotating the plumbing System
- Mechanical Settings – Pipes
- Piping Systems
- Adding Plumbing Fixtures
- Placeholder Pipes
- Pipes
- Parallel Pipes
- Modifying Plumbing Fixtures
- Piping Systems
- Generating Pipe Layouts
- Custom Materials
- Custom Lighting
- Exporting Images
- Walkthroughs
Drafting and Detailing
- Line Style
- Regions
- Detail Component
- CAD Details
- Drafting Views
- Detail Library
- Detail Views
Sheet Setting
- Title Block Creation
- Sheet Creation
- Placing Views in a Sheet
- Sheet Revisions