STAAD Pro Course Overview
STAAD Pro stands for Structural Analysis and Design Program originally developed by Research Engineers International, which was later bought by Bentley STAAD Pro training is widely recommended in Structural Analysis and Design Software which simplifies the BIM workflow by automatically converting a physical model into an analytical model. Dynamic Cad classroom training helps the students to get the best software training and lets them understand all the important tools and commands of the software.
STAAD Pro is the most powerful software that can design almost any kind of civil engineering structure such as steel, concrete, timber, aluminum, and cold-formed steel designs. The newly released or complete package of analysis from Bentley is STAAD Pro V8i. With the most experienced trainers, Dynamic Cad delivers many software training in the fields of CAD, CAM & CAE that are the best in the industry. While learning from the best software courses, students get an option to do an Internship and can also go for Industrial visits assisted by the trainers; so that it helps the students to escalate their career and let them have in-hand knowledge of the software.
During the CAD training, students get many other benefits like student panel, study materials, e-books, tutorials, and numerous projects which gives them a better understanding of the concepts of STAAD Pro and also helps them to grow in their career. Dynamic Cad students get an option to transfer themselves to any of our CAD Franchise Centre in India, even if they have been registered at Dynamic Cad Jaipur or at any other CAD center. After the course completion, student not just only get the STAAD Pro certificate but also gets placement assistance through which they can get placed in any of the companies all over India.
Course Contents
- Overview of Structural Analysis and Design
- Introduction to STAAD Pro.
- STAAD Pro. Workspace
- STAAD Pro. Interface
- Coordinate Systems
- Global Coordinate System
- Local Coordinate System
- Units
- Input Unit
- Graphical Display Unit
- Dimensions
- Labels
- Node Labels
- Beam Labels
- Support Labels
- Tools
- Rotation Tools
- Zoom Tools
- View Tools
- Geometry Creation Methods
- Snap & Grid Method
- Copy Cut Method
- Run Structure Wizards
- Co-ordinate Method
- DXF Method/ Importing CAD Models
- Inserting Nodes
- Adding Beams
- Model Editing Tools
- Section Properties
- Section Database
- Section Assignment Method
- User Table
- Structure Diagram
- Cut Sections/ Plane
- Support Assignment
- Loading
- Nodal Load
- Nodal Moment
- Member Load
- Area Load
- Special Loads
- Lift machine Load
- Floor Load
- Sunken Load
- Understanding and Calculating Building Loads
- Introduction to Floor Load and Live Load as per IS 875-I & II
- Creation of Primary Load
- Load Combinations
- Analysis and Print Command
- Post Processing
- Vehicle Definition
- Primary Load Case for Moving Load
- Analysis of an RCC deck Slab for Moving Load
- Viewing Influence Line Diagram
- Isolated Footing Design
- Combined Footing Design
How will you get your certificate?
Dynamic Cad is a pioneer in CAD/CAM/CAE training and most of the industries give great recognition to its certificate throughout India and abroad. Dynamic Cad Certificates are ISO verified which makes it highly reputed comparing to the other local brands and helps the student get prioritize while going for job opportunities in the industry. Dynamic Cad Software Training is conducted by highly knowledgeable trainers which help students to enhance their skill set by putting great emphasizes on project-based learning.
Call for Advice now : +91 79047 47793
How Our instructors are certified
Dynamic Cad has a team of highly skilled trainers, who focus on delivering well standard and quality training to each of its learners. Each Dynamic Cad trainer has professional degrees and has more than 5 years+ of experience in the stream of CAD, CAM, and CAE. Along with that, they are certified from prestigious institutes and have esteem knowledge of their courses which helps the learners to enhance their skills and meet the industry requirements. Our courses are not just based on theoretical concepts; in fact, it puts a great emphasis on industry-driven learning which is being regularly updated

STAAD.Pro (70Hrs) 35Days
Overview of Structural Analysis and Design
- Introduction STAAD.ProV8i
- Staad Pro Workspace
- Staad Pro Interface
- Menu bar
- Toolbar
- Mode Bar
- Page Control
- Datasheet
- Co-ordinateSystems
- Global Co-ordinate
- Local Co-ordinate
- Units
- Input Unit
- Graphical Display Unit
- Dimensions
- Labels
- Node Labels
- Beam Labels
- Supports Labels
- Tools
- Rotation Tools
- Zoom Tools
- View Tools
Geometry creation Methods
- Snap /Grid Method
- A. Linear Grid
- B. Radial Grid
- Copy Cut Method
Geometry creation Methods
- Run Structure Wizard
- Co-ordinate Method
DXF Method/ Import CAD Models
- Insert Node
- For a SingleMember
- For MultipleMembers
- AddBeam
- Point toPoint
- BetweenMidpoints
- PerpendicularIntersection
- CurvedMember
Model EditingTools
- Translational Repeat
Circular Repeat
Model Editing Tools
- Move
- Mirror
- Rotate
- Copy
Model EditingTools
- Connect BeamsAlong
- Stretch SelectedMembers
- Intersect SelectedMembers
- Create Collinear Bea
Model EditingTools
- Merge SelectedMembers
- Renumber
- SplitBeam
Break Beams at SelectedNodes
- Section Properties
- Circular
- Tee
- Trapezoidal
- Tapered
- Section Database
- Assignment Method
- User table
- Structure Diagrams
- Full Section
- Section Outlines
- Cut Sections/Plane
- Range By Joint
- Range By Min/Max
- Select to View
Supports Assignment
- Introduction of structural supports
- Fixed Support
- Pinned Support
- Enforced
- Enforced But
- Assignment Methods
Member Offset
- NodalLoad
- Nodal Moment
- MemberLoad
- Uniform Force andMoment
- Concentrated Force and Moment
- Linear VaryingLoad
- TrapezoidalLoad
- HydrostaticLoad
- AreaLoad
Understanding & Calculating Building Loads
- Self-Weight of Members & Self Weight factor
- Linear Load- Wall Loads
- Calculation of Floor Dead Loads
- Distribution of Floor load One way & Two way
Special Loads- Lift machine load, Sunken load
- Introduction to Floor load &
Live load as per IS 875-I & II - Creation of Primary Load Cases
- Primary Dead Load case
- Primary Live Load case
- Load Combinations
- Manual Combination Method
- Auto Load Combination Method
- Analysis & Print Command
- Post Processing
- Result setup
- Node reaction & displacement
- Beam Forces
- Beam Graphs
Understanding Staad Editor
- Job Information
- Input width
- Join Coordinates
- Member incidences
- Finish
- Writing notes/ information in editor
Geometry Verification
- Tools Menu
- Orphan Nodes
- Duplicates Nodes/ Members
- Overlapping Collinear Members
- Unit Convertor
- Calculator
Member Specifications
- Member Release
- Member Offset
Introduction to RCC Design As per IS 456
- Defining Various RCC Design Parameters
- Beam Design
- Column Design
- RCC Detailing Methods
WindLoad Design As per IS 875 III
- Introduction to wind design
- Design factors and Coefficient
Calculation of Wind load as per IS 875 Part 3
- Create Wind definition
- Primary Load Case for Wind load
- Load combinations
Seismic Analysis & Design as per IS-1893
- Introduction
- Terminologies
- Standards for EarthquakeDesign
- General Principals for EarthquakeDesign
Seismic Analysis & Design as per IS-1893
- Static Analysis Method
- Seismic Definition, Seismic Parameters
- Elementary Introduction –
- IS Code 1893(2002/2005)
- IS Code 13920
STEEL Design inSTAAD Pro As Per IS-800
- Steel Design Mode
- Load Envelopes
- Member Setup
- Member Restraints
- Design Briefs
Design Groups
- Interactive SteelDesign
- Introduction Of Transmission Line Towers
- Design of Transmission LineTowers
- FEM Modelling inSTAAD.Pro
- FEM Modelling introduction
- SnapPlate
- AddPlate
- Create InfillPlates
- Create surfaces
- Generate SurfaceMeshing
- Generate PlateMesh
- Adding PlateThickness
- PlateLoad
- Pressure on FullPlate
- ConcentratedLoad
- Partial Plate PressureLoad
- TrapezoidalLoad
- HydrostaticLoad
Water Tank Design
- Creating a RCC underground rectangular tank using plates
- Tank empty
- Tank Full
- Creating circular water tank
Shear Wall Design
- Introduction to Shear wall
Shear wall Modeling andDesign
Moving (Rolling) Loads
- Vehicle definition
- Primary load case for moving load
- Analysis of a RCC deck slab for moving load
Viewing Influence line Diagram
Foundation Design
- Introduction to structural foundation
- Importing files from Staad Pro to Staad Foundation
- Isolated Footing design
- Basic of Isolated Footing
- Creating a Isolated
Footing job - Specification of design
parameters - Design result
- Combined Footing Design
- Basic of combined
Footing - Creating a Combined
Footing job - Specification of design
parameters - Design result
- Basic of combined
- Isolated Footing design